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Showing posts from October, 2019

Queering the Somatic:Interrupting the narrative system

Join us this Friday and Saturday at Middlesex University, London... The symposium offers opportunities to explore, challenge and celebrate the act of dispelling binaries: mind-body, male-female, subject-object. The symposium will look at the connections between dance, (which emphasises the felt over the ‘named’, dispelling binaries and challenging Western constructs of the passive body.) and queer theory. Queer theory is a field of critical thinking emerging in the early 1990’s drawing on feminism and queer studies to challenge social constructs and identities. Moving beyond the social constructs of the body both dance and queer theory offer a fluidity for narrating the lived experience; narrations that interrupt dominant stories of identity and how we move through the world. The symposium is looking for contributions that might re-imagine, re-educate, re-think, reveal and allow us to re-create a world without the limits of binaries that reflect the somatic experience of B...