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Choreographing the City with TM: Dance and City Planning

Pleased to announce Dr. Adesola Akinleye has been awarded a Fellowship with Theatrum Mundi. 

I will be keeping a 'scrap-book of thinking' at

What is it about: I feel there is a great importance to creating spaces for the wordless conversation of dance. A conversation that is between body and environment. I hope to contribute to larger discussions across subject areas. This articulating and valuing the significance of where Self begins, or ends or is continuous in environment shares inquiry with colleagues in architecture (see Pallasmaa, 2005, Rasmussen, 1959), social sciences (see Deleuze and Guattari, 1983, 1987), and geography (see Lefebvre, 2004). I hope by reaching beyond the isolating notion of ‘subject’ areas we might find shared areas of inquiry into the inter-connectedness of Place. - Adesola 

photo by Foteini Christofilopoulou   Adesola Akinleye & Bree Birr de Oliveira


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