Workshop led by Dr Adesola Akinleye at Per/forming Futures - curated by Artistic Doctorates in Europe: Geography of the Body: Choreo-thinking, physical equations, and a language of choreography
Per/Forming Futures launches ADiE’s two most recent publications: Adesola has a chapter in the second Researching in/as Motion A Resource Collection.
Reconsidering Research and Supervision as Creative Embodied Creative Practice: Reflections from the Field
Researching (in/as) Motion A Resource Collection
Reconsidering Research and Supervision as Creative Embodied Creative Practice: Reflections from the Field
Researching (in/as) Motion A Resource Collection
This workshop will playfully explore on the moving body (choreography) as a mode of ‘analysis': thinking in the act of doing. We will use practical movement-based explorations as a process of unpicking embodied metaphor in everyday language (and therefore in everyday constructs of ‘things’). The goal of the workshop is to share techniques for blurring the divide between theoretical and the physical of doing. A fun, exploratory workshop for anyone who likes to get moving. Adesola has written about these techniques in the upcoming ADiE resource for doctorial candidates. Please wear comfortable clothes if attending.
The publications offer guidance and materials to support research practices and the supervision/delivery of artistic research. Both offer hands-on tools and creative strategies, attending to the development of best practices and offering proposals for doing things differently.
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