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How do we practice together? Reflection "On Attention" by Adesola Akinleye

Adesola recently wrote a blog post responding to a 2-day workshop On Attention

Ten philosophers and ten dancers walk into a room in London…
Curated by Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca and Heni Hale, on November 29th and 30th 2019, we came together at ID to share a series of workshops and discussions that focused around the notion of attention: ‘On Attention: A Performance Philosophy Workshop. The event resonated with and addressed how we pay attention to each other – how do we share practices and across practices? How do interdisciplinary approaches make spaces for the multiple threads that different practices offer an idea?
For me, this exploration of building frameworks for how ‘we’ come together, (how we pay attention to each other meaningfully) is important work. On a macro, global level, it reflects the 21st century’s call to understand and find equality in the process of coming together that is globalisation. On a micro, practice level, it is part of the problem-solving process for how the field of dance (or philosophy) reaches beyond itself (and avoids navel gazing!). Both these are issues artists are grappling with in these times of political populism and the ‘post-truth’ environment of 2019/2020... read the whole post at -


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